How To Ditch The All-Or-Nothing Mindset This Summer

When the sun comes out and the weather warms up, are your days filled to the brim? On the patios every week, weekends away at the cottage, outdoor sports, day trips with the kids, and your typical workout routine falls to the sidelines. 

It’s common to develop an all-or-nothing mindset with just a few months to make the most out of your summer. 

This abundance of summer activities might result in you training infrequently, consuming less nutritious foods, getting shorter sleep, and as you get busier, stress starts creeping up. When you aren’t feeling your best, it’s easy for negative self-talk to get louder and confidence to get weaker. Maintaining a fitness routine throughout the summer can actually help you do everything you want to do in those few short months. Seems hard to believe, doesn’t it?

Living fully this summer starts with small habits.

Committing to your workouts each week, helps you stay accountable to a proper sleep schedule, brings awareness to what you’re eating, and energizes you to be able to do all the extra things you do in your day. Your workouts provide you with strength to participate in that sport you’ve been wanting to try, chase your kids around in the backyard, walk for kilometers through the city, or enjoy that hike with your friends. 

Yet, because you’ve developed balance in your life rather than falling into an all-or-nothing mindset, your workouts also allow you to stay out later with friends and enjoy the burger and fries without guilt. F*ck YES! Most importantly, your workouts build your self-confidence to go out and do the things you love without hesitation. 

Consistent workouts help you celebrate what your body can do, not what it looks like, so you can enjoy life to its fullest and get the most out of your summer.

Sounds like a good plan right? Well I know it’s MUCH easier said than done…Consistency is hands down the biggest struggle we see clients face. All Day Fit’s programming was designed to combat this.

You train with us 2-3x a week, for 12 weeks (and hopefully beyond), in a program that’s personalized to your goals and background. No more starting and stopping. You train consistently throughout the summer and reap the benefits in every other aspect of your life

Feel Confident & Capable To Say YES To Everything This Summer Brings

All Day Fit’s programming is designed to help busy humans make fitness a consistent part of your life. If you want to live a stronger, happier and healthier life click below to learn how you can join!

On the move a lot this summer?

Train from anywhere with our Strong Academy Virtual option — book a call with a personal trainer.

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