It’s Never Too Late To Start Strength Training

Here at All Day Fit, we believe everyone has the right to feel and live their BEST life, regardless of their age or fitness level. We emphasize that strength training is for everyone and enhances the quality of your life, allowing you to feel your best self.

Whether you have been training for a while or are new to training in general, we are here to support you. We acknowledge that ALL bodies are different and move in different ways. We teach our members how to tune into their bodies needs and because of this, we work with your body to move in a way that feels good for you, while always creating a challenge.

If you ever had the thought that strength training was just for aesthetics, think again!

Here are 5 benefits of strength training for life:

  1. Balance and Stability – *An alarming 70% of humans 70+ will die as a result of a fall. This percentage is high and is not meant to scare you, rather, to allow you to become aware of the importance of having good balance. Throughout our whole life (especially as we get older), we rely on our balance to move our bodies in all directions and stand still in one spot. Our core strength is an essential part of maintaining and improving our balance. Many of the exercises we do at All Day Fit assist in strengthening our cores and will improve the quality of our balance into old age.
  2. Good posture – Weak core muscles contribute to slouching, while good posture projects confidence, which will show in your day to day life. More importantly, however, good posture allows for proper breathing mechanics and maximizes the benefits from your workouts. More oxygen circulating around your body will also bring you an increase in energy and alertness.
  3. Playing Sports – Do you love to play golf, tennis, go biking, swimming, kayaking, etc? Staying physically fit will allow you to partake in these activities well into your life. Many people tie the decline in our bodies’ movements to our age; however, life- long training allows us to hold more control over the function of our bodies, regardless of our age. “What we don’t use, we lose”; the less we train and move our bodies, the more we will notice a decrease in our quality of movement.
  4. So you can live your life with less pain. Did you know that 4/5 North Americans at some point in their life experience back pain? The first thing prescribed is core exercises. Here at All Day Fit, we do not train through pain. We will outsource you to our trusted team of therapists, who will work with you and your pain. We will work alongside the therapists to strengthen muscles, like your core, to ensure your body is supported.
  5. Living your life. Playing with your grand kids and partaking in everyday acts like bending to put on shoes, sitting in a chair, walking, dancing, MOVING. Life is too short to miss out on the little things. Regardless of age, every movement can be trainable and improved and we emphasize that it is NEVER too late to start!

All Day Fit isn’t a workout, it’s a way of living, in your body, proud and present every day. We build your strongest body in the gym, so you can have your strongest life outside of it. Our community is real connections, support and friendship. Our ethos is to look inwards, grow our minds, be strong and enjoy life.

If you know someone who would benefit from joining our community, invite them to join The Online Hub for their first THREE classes on us.

Here’s to living your best life!

The All Day Fit Team

* Statistic shared from 6 Ways To Reverse The Aging Process with Exercise written By Charley Gould

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