3 Macronutrients That Help You FEEL Your Best

Curious to know how certain foods affect your day-to-day?

The food you eat has a major impact on your day-to-day life. What nutrients you’re fueling yourself with (and how often), can determine your motivation to workout, your energy level, your productivity at work, your social battery, your stress levels, and so much more. Keep reading to learn how these 3 macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and fats) help you FEEL your best.

Protein: Fuel for the Body

Protein plays a key role in:

  • Stabilizing your energy levels
  • Providing nutrients for your body to recover and repair
  • Protecting your immune function
  • Promotes feeling full and satisfied
  • Building muscle mass

Protein is made up of amino acids, which are the building blocks of the body (i.e. your hair, skin, nails, bones, and muscles). Think of your body as an office building: amino acids are the bricks and structure of the building.

The body does not store protein, and therefore has no reservoir to draw on when it needs a new supply. You need frequent replenishment of protein: aim for 1g of protein per lb of body weight per day. For instance, if you weigh 180 lbs, strive for 180g of protein each day. 

Click here for the full guide on protein, including Coach Cassie Day’s top protein sources, and a discount code to Genuine Health!

Carbohydrates: Fuel for the Brain

Carbohydrates are the brain’s main energy source: this is the electricity to your office building! Carbohydrates are also known as glucose, or sugar, which is what your body needs to burn for energy. There are 2 types of carbohydrates (here’s where their misinformed bad rep comes from):

  • SIMPLE CARBOHYDRATES: these are what you know as sugar, so literally table sugar, honey, fruit and fruit juice, candy, all that sweet yummy stuff. The closest to sugar the food is the more SIMPLE it is for the body to figure out it is glucose and use it for energy.
  • COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES are a bulky version of simple carbohydrates. The glucose is wrapped in fiber which makes it more COMPLEX for the body to figure out where the glucose is and use it for energy. Complex carbohydrates are whole grain breads, pastas, crackers, rice, and fibrous or starchy veggies like potatoes and squashes. These take longer to digest and break down, so they make you feel fuller longer and are a more reliable energy source.

Fats: Fuel for Function

Fats make sure the body is functioning at a cellular level. They form your cellular membranes and brain and nervous system. Think of fats as the maintenance team behind your office building. 

Fats are a necessary (and easy!) addition to your meals AND snacks. They are the most energy dense macronutrient to keep you fueled for the day. Some great, but not limited to, sources of fat are: nuts, eggs, coconut, avocado, and olives. Consider swapping your vegetable or canola oil for olive, avocado or coconut oil as a high-fat alternative. 

Sources: Precision Nutrition, EXOS 

Looking for some recipe inspo?

Check out some delicious and nutritious recipes on the ADF blog for your next dinner party or meal prepping session!

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