Roasted Tomato Soup

Nothing is better than getting in the door after a long day, taking off your winter coat and boots and sitting on the couch with a hot cup a soup! What’s even better is if the soup only take 10 minutes to make! 

Prep Time – 8 minutes

Cook Time – 10 minutes

Servings – 2-4


700ml can of roasted puréed (or crushed) tomatoes
1/2 cup water
coconut oil
1 clove of garlic
1/2 an onion
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp turmeric
1/2 tsp cardamom
Chili flakes to taste
Salt and pepper to taste

Cooked red lentils
Vegan coconut yoghurt
Seed crackers (I used Mary’s crackers)
Pumpkin seeds

  1. Chop up onion and garlic finely and throw into a pot with a bit of coconut oil. Allow to cook until golden brown.
  2. Throw in the can of tomatoes and the rest of spices. Bring to a boil.
  3. Serve in bowls and add any additional toppings as you please, I chose them all!

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